Friday 4 March 2016

My top 5 films...

This was such an unbelievably hard post to do as I have so many films that I love however I took into consideration which films I watch the most. Some of these are older films but 3/5 are Disney films and proud to admit it haha. Ever since I started dating Nathan I have taken a keen liking to action films and watch a lot more of them than before, anyway ENJOY!

Beauty and the Beast

This was one of the first Disney films I remember watching and it was so magical! When I was in year 2 around the age of 7 my parents took me to see Beauty and the Beast on ice, and it was the most beautiful performance I have ever seen. I was lucky enough to see it 2/3 times while it was in Manchester I think twice in one week. I can honestly quote ever line and sing every song back to back.

 The Hunger Games 

Okay so at first I named this as a trilogy it makes snese because the book series is a trilogy but there are 4 films haha. I didn't actually jump on the bangwagon really quick with this film but I seen it on Netflix saw the name Josh Hutcherson and was like ' WHY DIDN'T I KNOW HE WAS IN THIS?!" and I never looked back.. I became a huge fan of this like big time and I started getting the phonecase, the pin, the bracelet and then i decided after watching the first film I should probably read the books. Honestly, I was so shocked at how much the books and the films are similar apart from a few minor differences I was so happy!


So I loved all things history and when I heard of the Anastasia story I was so fascinated. I can't recall how I came across the film but I eventually bought in on DVD and i was super happy when it was available on Netflix. It is just a really lovely film and like Beauty and the Beast I can sing all the songs back to back.

Mad Max : Fury Road

As I was saying about Nathan getting me to watch action films this was one of them. I have a place in my heart for Tom Hardy so this film is a fond favourtie of mine now. I just find Immortan Joe creepy and the whole conept was bizarre but it was pretty good! I seriously watch this film about 3 times a week even though Tom Hardy with long hair and a beard at the beginning is mad!

Lilo & Stitch

A long with Beauty & the Beast this is another love of mine! I literally have about 3 stitch bears and my all time favourite a Stitch cup with Scrump spoon. I actually painted the Ohana quote on my bedroom wall to remind me how important family actually is. As a kid I was a hug fan of the tv series aswell where they tried to find all the other experiments it was fabulous!

World War Z

Another film Nathan got me into but is actually really entertaining and I just enjoy Zombie films.

The Little Mermaid

Under the sea under the sea! What else can I say I grew up with this film and apart from Ursula the scary sea witch it's pretty magical.

Shaun of the dead

So I mentioned I liked zombie films well here is another one, even when it is on Tv every weekend I still watch it. Just a good chuckle...

Guardians of the Galaxy

I first watched this on New years eve 2014 with Nathan and it just makes me smile because it reminds me of that day. Like a sentimental memory thing, but I love this picture the galactic effect and colours are so appealing! Plus I am a die hard Chris Pratt fan!

Well that is all my lovelies! I intend to do a New Favourites films from films that came out between 2015-2016 so that should be fun and ofcourse there is a zombie film in there!

Anyway, thank you for reading!

All my love, 

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